America’s False History

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David Ray Griffin writes books faster than I can read them. Therefore, I am going to borrow Edward Curtin’s review of Griffin’s history of the United States: The American Trajectory: Divine or Demonic? which Curtin suggests should have been titled: A Diabolic False Flag Empire.

Griffin’s book is a humdinger and will certainly upset brainwashed American super-patriots, but it throughly documents how Washington’s aggression toward other lands is covered up by politicians, media, and court historians with moral verbiage. In my view the hubris, arrogance, and ignorance of “American exceptionism” has the world locked on a trajectory to its extinction in nuclear Armageddon.

Curtin points out that Griffin makes an extraordinary mistake, unusual for a scholar as careful as Griffin, in his assessment of President John F. Kennedy. President Kennedy was the president who tried to move America’s trajectory off of its demonic path and was murdered by his own government for his attempt. But as I have said, none of us knows everything. We often have to rely on others, and others, also, make mistakes.

The American Trajector…
David Ray Griffin
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An omission in Griffin’s account of Washington’s wars of aggression, or perhaps just unmentioned by Curtin in his review, is Washington’s aggression and war crimes against the Confederacy. The Union’s aggression included warring against civilians and the intentional destruction of their livelihoods. It was the same for its time as the US and British firebombing of German cities and Washington’s destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima with atomic bombs.

Washington has never let morality stand in the way of its empire.

Washington has never permitted treaties and domestic laws to stand in its way either. For example:

–The Cheney/Bush regime violated the Non-Detention Act passed by Congress in 1971 and signed by President Nixon.

–The Cheney/Bush regime violated The Convention Against Torture, ratified by the Senate in 1994 and bolstered by a US law that prohibits US officials anywhere in the world from torturing anyone.

–The Cheney/Bush regime unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-ABM Treaty.

–The Trump regime unilaterally withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

–The Obama regime dismissed the due process protection in the US Constitution and arbitrarily assassinated US citizens without indictment, trial, and conviction.

The above examples merely scratch the surface. Just think of all of the treaties with the various American Indian tribes that Washington dishonored.

As Washington’s word means nothing, it is a puzzle that Iran and Russia make worthless agreements with Washington. The answer must be that hope prevails over experience.

Read A Diabolic False Flag Empire by Edward Curtin.