
The Libertarian Party is a bottom – up, grass-roots organization. Here’s a review of our party organization:

Precinct Chair

The smallest political unit in Texas is the Voting Precinct. Our goal is to have one Libertarian Precinct Chair in each Voting Precinct. Precinct Chairs are responsible for distributing door hangers, meeting their neighbors, and getting out the Libertarian vote on Election Day. Contact your County Chair if you wish to be a Precinct Chair.

Organize Your Precinct

1. Get a list of Libertarians in your precinct from your county chair.

2. Organize a regular monthly meeting on and place it on the LPT calendar.

3. Get a list of all the registered voters in your precinct from your chair or the Elections Office.

4. Get or make a street map of your precinct.

5. Each household on your list should have its own record sheet. The record sheet should contain all the voter registration information and have blank spaces for the block walkers to record comments. Ask voters questions about the issues to determine how Libertarian they may be.

6. The block walk has 2 purposes: 1) Inform your neighbors about the Libertarian Party and our candidates. 2) Collect information about the political preferences of your neighborhood. Take special care to identify Libertarians and invite them to become more active.

7. Block walking will dramatically increase your meeting attendance, vote totals, and fundraising.
District Representative

Each county is divided into 4 Districts.  We would like each District to have at least one representative in your county party. It is the responsibility of District Representatives to recruit and organize Precinct Chairs in their districts and coordinate efforts to promote the Libertarian Party within their district. This includes events, door-to-door campaigns, recruiting candidates, and helping the county party.

County Party

County parties are the local affiliates of the Libertarian Party of Texas. Most electoral action occurs at the county or city level, so it is vitally important for the Libertarian Party to have active county organizations and volunteers. We encourage you to speak with your local leaders and attend local meetings. This is usually the best way to get involved and find out where your help can make the most difference. We need active County Chairs and Officers to promote the Libertarian Party, get candidates on the ballot, and address local issues.

State Party

The Libertarian Party of Texas is an affiliate of the Libertarian National Committee. The state party is responsible for addressing statewide issues, recruiting candidates, maintaining ballot access, and assisting county parties. The state party is governed by the State Libertarian Executive Committee (SLEC). SLEC is composed of four officers and two representatives from each Texas Senate District.

National Party

The Libertarian National Committee is headquartered in Washington, DC. There are four officers, eight regional representatives, and five at-large representatives.  There are many opportunities available to volunteer for the national office.

The Libertarian Party Abroad

Numerous countries feature Libertarian Parties. Argentina has notably elected a Libertarian President, Javier Milei, who is actively applying Libertarian principles. The global community eagerly anticipates the outcomes of his policies and extends best wishes for his success as libertarianism is observed in practice.