Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Libertarian?

Let’s start with Webster’s definition:

libertarian: A person who upholds the principles of individual liberty especially of thought and action. (small “L”)

Libertarian: A member of a political party advocating libertarian principles. (Capital “L”)

Libertarians advocate for personal freedom coupled with personal responsibility. The Libertarian Party aims to serve the broader pro-liberty community by focusing on the election of Libertarian candidates to public office.

Libertarians firmly resist any form of government intervention in their personal, family, and business choices. Fundamentally, they advocate for the freedom of all Americans to live their lives and pursue their interests, provided they do not harm others.

In a nutshell, we are advocates for a small government, an end to taxes and more freedom.

Are Libertarians liberal or conservative?

Libertarians stand apart from liberals and conservatives by advocating for substantial personal and economic freedom. For instance, Libertarians support economic freedom, favoring reduced taxes, minimal bureaucratic regulation of business, and charity-based welfare over government welfare. Additionally, Libertarians are socially permissive, opposing laws or restrictions on individuals whose personal actions or lifestyles may differ from their own beliefs.

Think of us as a group of people with a “live and let live” mentality and a balanced checkbook.

Libertarians strive to create a logical and consistent philosophy, free from the exceptions and broken promises often associated with Republican and Democratic politicians. This commitment to consistency is why we are known as the Party of Principle.

How large is the Libertarian Party?

As of May 2024, it is the third-largest political party in the United States by voter registration. In the 2020 election, the Libertarians gained a seat in the Wyoming House of Representatives, giving them their first state legislative win since 2000. As of May 2024, there are 178 Libertarians holding elected office. As of December 2023, there are 741,930 voters registered as Libertarian in the 29 states that report Libertarian registration statistics and Washington, D.C.  The first and only Libertarian in Congress was Justin Amash, who joined the Libertarian Party in 2020 and left the U.S. House of Representatives in 2021 after choosing not to seek re-election.

How is the Libertarian Party organized?

The Libertarian Party has a national office in Washington, DC. There is a Libertarian National Committee (LNC) that meets at least once per quarter. The LNC consists of four officers, five at-large members, and nine regional representatives and alternates.  They make strategic policy decisions and supervise our national staff. The LNC recognizes state party affiliates. There is a national convention every even-numbered year to elect the LNC, make policy changes, and nominate the Presidential ticket when applicable.

The Libertarian Party of Texas has an office in Austin near the UT campus. There is a State Libertarian Executive Committee of Texas (SLECT), also known as SLEC, composed of four officers and two representatives from each State Senate District. There is a state convention the second Saturday of June in even-numbered years to elect Officers and SLECT members, to make policy changes and nominate statewide candidates.

The County Affiliates are organized similarly but can differ from county to county. Williamson county has 4 Officer positions and 8 precinct representatives, 2 for each of the 4 precincts.

What kind of offices do Libertarians run for and hold?

Around the nation there are Libertarian mayors, county executives, county council members and even a Libertarian sheriff! Libertarians also serve on school boards and in hundreds of local offices.

While we are most successful at the local level for now, we run candidates at all levels of government, even President of the United States.

Our elected Libertarians are hard at work saving you money and protecting your civil liberties.

What kind of people join the Libertarian Party?

People like you. People who used to be Republicans, Democrats, and independents from all walks of life. They joined us because they realize that we’re the only political party working for their best interests.

Those who join us realize that, unlike the two major parties, we place the interests of our nation ABOVE the interests of our political party.  While the Republican and Democratic parties exist to maintain their own power, we exist to grasp power for the benefit of you and millions of other Americans across our nation.

How can I become a Libertarian?

For the reasonable fee of $25 per year, you can become a Basic Member of the Libertarian Party and a real, card-carrying Libertarian.  After you join, you will receive a year’s subscription to our publication, LP News, along with regular updates on our national activities.

More importantly, if you join our political party and become a Libertarian, you will stand with thousands of other Americans who are proudly committed to bringing about true freedom within our nation.

To join us and become a Libertarian, click here.