Ron Paul Will Not Endorse Mitt Romney


Lew Rockwell
was asked to appear on the Alex Jones Show on June 14 to discuss
the the wars, the euro, the bankster bail-out, and the #1 topic
in the libertarian and conservative political world, Rand Paul’s
endorsement of Mitt Romney.

With much speculation
being bandied about regarding an endorsement by Ron, Lew quickly
and decisively puts the matter to rest. He tells us that the Ron
Paul he met in 1975 is the same Ron Paul today. He is not going
to endorse Mitt Romney any more than he did George W. Bush, John
McCain, or aimilar figures.

Lew continues
by noting that there is only one Ron Paul. He’s unique in American
history, and he doesn’t sell out. We have no worries whether nor
not this great man will stick to his principles. (42:14)



16, 2012