A Sex Predator’s Targeting of Boys on Tribal Lands Took Years to Address: New at Reason

Stanley Patrick Weber‘Frontline: Predator on the Reservation’If there’s a silver lining in Frontline: Predator on the Reservation, it’s that we’re apparently through the era of “I believe the children”: the time in the 1980s when any accusation of child abuse, no matter how fantastic (molestation accompanied by devil worship, animal sacrifice, murder) was instantly credible because little kids were regarded as unimpeachable witnesses.

Predator tells a story that’s exactly the opposite—the refusal of officials at the federal Indian Health Service, for nearly two decades, to acknowledge evidence that a serial child molester was loose in reservation hospitals.

Produced in cooperation with the Wall Street Journal, which covered the case extensively, Predator follows the trail of childhood destruction left by pediatrician Stanley Patrick Weber, who only a few weeks ago was sentenced to 18 years in federal prison for molestation of six reservation kids. A trial on 12 more charges is expected to start soon. Television critic Glenn Garvin takes a look at what happened.