As Marijuana Prohibition Winds Down, What Will Control Freaks Ban Next?: New at Reason

Cannabis Culture/flickrCannabis Culture/flickrWinning doesn’t mean ending a prohibition, it means disempowering the prohibitionists.

J.D. Tuccille writes:

Marijuana “does not meet the criteria for currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, there is a lack of accepted safety for its use under medical supervision, and it has a high potential for abuse,” the Drug Enforcement Administration sniffed in an August public announcement refusing to consider easing restrictions on the stuff. The announcement seemed to deliberately miss the point since a majority of Americans favor legalizing marijuana for fun, not just medicine. That the feds are fighting a rear-guard action on the issue is apparent from the fact that half the states in the country are currently ignoring D.C. on the issue, legalizing the sale and use of marijuana for recreation or sometimes broadly defined medicinal purposes. Arizona and California, at least, look poised to further loosen the law in November, with others to follow.

But as marijuana prohibition falls, the drug cops have a backup plan. Just weeks after the marijuana announcement, the federal regulator of stuff that makes us feel good “announced its intention to place the active materials in the kratom plant into Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act in order to avoid an imminent hazard to public safety.” The original sin of the Southeast Asia-sourced plant is “its ability to produce opioid-like effects and [that it] is often marketed as a legal alternative to controlled substances.”