Shutdown Helps NSA Shed Even Pretense of Surveillance Oversight Efforts

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, Welch. This is why when you go on
Bill Maher, you bust him in the fucking nose and don’t let up.

He’s not intelligent enough to make an actual argument, so he
relies on his audience’s laughter to cut off his opponent, relies
on numbers by having the conservative/libertarian severely
outnumbered, and just generally talks over people with his smug,
idiotically condescending tone.

That’s why you have to handle this like Christopher

Hitchens: (Ahmadinejad) has said that he thinks the Messiah is
coming back.

Maher: So does George Bush by the way.

(Audience laughs because they don’t know what a joke is)

Hitchens: Your audience, which will clap apparently anything, is
frivolous. (Audience boos) Fuck you. (Hitchens flips them off) Fuck

I’ve been on the John Stewart show, I’ve been on your show, I’ve
seen you make about five George Bush IQ jokes per night. There’s no
one I know who can’t do it. This is now the joke that stupid people
laugh at. It’s a joke that any dumb person can laugh at because
they think they’re smarter than the president. Like the people who
make booing noises in your audience. (Audience boos) (While
flipping them off) None of you are smarter than the president.

THAT’S how you roll when you go on Bill Maher’s show, Welch.