FAQ submissions are back!

image_thumb.pngWe have for quite a while had a problem with the Christian Libertarian FAQ software not being capable of filtering spam, and thus new submissions have been shut down for some time. Thankfully, this problem has now been remedied and you can now submit questions with ease again.

Of course, we still have to make the time to answer, so we appreciate your patience as we play catch-up for a while and try to make all you inquisitive readers as happy as we can.

Thank you for your continued support of LCC, and we hope you look forward to the further changes we will be making to the website in the coming weeks.

Do you have a question about liberty, theology, economics, or ethics? Ask it here.

Norman Horn

Norman is the founder and editor of LibertarianChristians.com. He holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from the Austin Graduate School of Theology.

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