Punctuation Quiz

I like things like this. Lew Rockwell links to this punctuation quiz today. I agree with the answers, with a couple exceptions. For number 2, the correct answer is given as “no punctuation necessary.” (The sentence reads, “My brother John came to the door with flowers.”) That is correct if you have more than one brother. If John is your only brother, then option 2 is correct: “My brother, John, came to the door with flowers.”

This is why you should not write, “My wife Sharon and I are looking forward to seeing you.” If your wife is observant, she will wonder if your lack of commas around her name indicates that you have one or more secret wives somewhere.

And for number 11, either the second or the third option would be correct. It depends on what the intended sentence is supposed to be, and we cannot determine that based on the question.

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