NSA Can Reach 75 Percent of All US Internet Traffic

Dear Reason Bar Assocation,

I’m taking Property Law this semester. The book the professor
assigned to the class (Property and Lawyering 3d) is shaping up to
be a piece of critical studies crypto-socialist shit.

I call book that because the authors argue a cliff-noted version
of Marx’s theory of history. Property starts with feudalism (no
mention of property as applied to earlier agricultural societies or
even to nomadic societies), then turns into capitalism. They lament
that “markets” drove “hordes of peasants” were driven from the land
(no sympathy for the serfs and villeins who were slaves in all but
name, bound to the land for life and their children after them) and
unraveled the “carefully integrated socio-political structure” (and
made literacy accessible to the masses, as well as travel,
commerce, medicine, etc.)

The examples of property in American history are the “Europeans
used property to justify taking the land from the indians” (who
were no longer free to gambol across hill and plain) and hold black
people in slavery.

I could spend a few pages shitting on this casebook, but I will
desist in order to get to the point. Despite assigning this
particular casebook, the professor made comments that he was
“concerned” about drones.

Question: Do I inquire as to any libertarian sentiments he may
hold? Based on the casebook, should I consider him a statist until
further information appears? Should I just leave it alone, shut up
and take the class?