Campaign for Liberty Backs ‘Defund ObamaCare’ Effort

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia– Campaign for Liberty released the following statement from C4L President John Tate endorsing Senator Mike Lee’s (R-UT) efforts to add language to the Continuing Resolution completely defunding ObamaCare:

“It’s time for Congress to stand up for the American people, who do not want to see their health care costs increase and their quality of care decrease as a result of ObamaCare.  The upcoming debate on the Continuing Resolution provides an excellent opportunity to defund ObamaCare.

“Since each day brings more proof of the pain Americans will suffer as a result of this law, defunding it should be an easy ‘yes’ vote for any politician – Republican or Democrat. Campaign for Liberty is actively encouraging its members to make their voices heard loudly and clearly to their Representatives and Senators that they do not want ObamaCare.”


Be sure to sign your DEFUND OBAMACARE petition HERE


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