Woman Who Handed Father Morphine Charged With “Aiding Suicide”

WASHINGTON – George Soros — the money manager and financier
of left-wing causes — turns out to be a fan of Friedrich Hayek, the
Austrian economist whose Road to Serfdom, warning of the perils of
central planning, has been a bestseller amid President Obama’s
expansion of government.

That was the message from Mr. Soros’s remarks here this
afternoon at a Cato Institute forum.

Mr. Soros described his own views, emphasizing “fallibility”
and “reflexivity,” as “in accordance with Hayek’s ideas.” He said
that in the late 1940s, as a student at the London School of
Economics, he had come out “on Hayek’s side” against socialism,
“scientism,” and central planning.

Mr. Soros said he’d been “influenced” by Hayek. “He has had
a big influence on my thinking,” Mr. Soros said, going on to
describe government regulation as “a necessary evil.”

“If you can avoid the regulation, you should,” Mr. Soros
said, explaining that regulation tended to be bureaucratic,
arbitrary, and influenced by special interests, and therefore more
imperfect than markets.

