Win Supporters, Not Arguments

Join SFL tonight at 8PM Eastern for a webinar with Robin Koerner over “How to Win Supporters: Not Just Arguments.”

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  • The goal of this talk is to help liberty folks understand why people get stuck in their non-liberty-oriented points of view, and how, understanding that, we can be most effective in making our arguments stick. In particular, Robin wants to get people to really think about why and how left vs right  stands in the way of persuading people for liberty.
  • Robin Koerner is the founder and publisher of, an organization of 400 volunteers that is dedicated to translating and posting news and views from all over the world. He holds degrees in physics and philosophy from Cambridge University. Robin is also loves to travel and has lived on three continents. His experiences around the world have guided him to a wide range of knowledge in the fields of the media, real estate and teaching.As a political commentator for the Huffington Post, the Daily Paul, the Daily Capitalist, the Moderate Voice, Cagle, and other sites, he is best known in the USA for coining the term “Blue Republican” originally to refer to Independents and Democrats who registered Republican specifically to support Ron Paul in 2012. The movement he created continues to attract the liberty-curious through the presentation of a post-Left-vs.-Right account of US politics in a language that those who’ve not read the liberty canon can easily understand Robin lectures around the world on the philosophy and economics of classical liberalism and liberty, and on the art of political persuasion, paying special attention to the obstacles to changing people’s minds – and ways to get around them.

Click here for more information on SFL’s full webinar series.