Gold and silver up due to fiscal cliff

AUSTIN (KXAN) – In wake of the end of the Mayan calendar, doomsday is still strong among some people.

Whether it comes in a form of an asteroid, apocalypse or a fallen economy.

At Capital Coin and Bullion, off Burnet Road on North Austin,, many of their customers are preparing for the future by learning from the past.

Customers are cashing in their paychecks for gold and silver.

“It’s never going to lose its value, at least historically it never has, “said James Pattani of Capital Coins and Bullion.

Some said the country should worry more about the fiscal cliff instead of the Mayans.

That’s why the price of gold and silver has jumped in the last few days.

“For the last 6,000 plus years, it has been the tool to barter with,” Pattini said.