The Headquarters of Thought Control

Paul Craig Roberts

by Paul Craig Roberts: Can
Americans Escape the Deception?

My German publisher
has rights for all European languages and for a Russian edition,
which he says he intends to publish.

I hear that
the Chinese are interested in publishing my book. Most likely, South
America will follow. Strange, isn’t it, that no serious work that
diverges from the US propaganda line can be published in the United
States, the country of “freedom and democracy.” What a joke!

In my lifetime,
especially the 21st century, the US has become the country of thought
control and oppression. The USA today bears no resemblance whatsoever
to the country I grew up in. I feel like I am living in a foreign
20th century police state. I have told Press TV (Tehran) and the
BBC World Service (London) not to call me any more about controversial
issues as, if I speak the truth, it could result in my arrest. Free
speech is no longer an American right.

I haven’t been
able to tell RT this yet, because the female hosts are so beautiful
and most of the interviews are from RT’s Washington, D.C., studio
and not from Moscow. I figure that as long as our overlords in Washington
permit RT broadcasts from Washington, DC, they can’t arrest me for
aiding and abetting “enemies.” I mean, it is our overlords’ fault,
right, that “enemies” call me for interviews from Washington DC
The overlords could shut down the “enemies” on their home turf,
but as long as they haven’t I should be free to speak to RT Washington.
Perhaps this is naive, but it seems legally coherent, not that that
any longer means anything. Probably RT will quit calling me in order
to avoid being shut down by the “freedom and democracy” US government.
The “freedom and democracy” government in the UK shut down Press
TV, no longer permitted to broadcast to British subjects.

Human Rights
attorneys tell me that as the US Constitution is no longer observed
by the executive branch, that I can’t speak freely according to
my Constitutional rights, the First Amendment and all, without running
the risk of being arrested.

They tell me
that Bradley Manning has been arrested, tortured, and is currently
being framed in a phony prosecution for doing his duty according
to the US Military Code and revealing massive US war crimes. The
dumbshit American population is unable to accept that they and “their”
government are responsible for war crimes. After all, we are “the
indispensable people,” second only to god’s chosen people, the Israelis.

Human rights
attorneys also tell me that Julian Assange of WikiLeaks has been
targeted for his journalistic revelations, protected by the First
Amendment, of information leaked to him. Nevertheless, despite his
legal protections, he is targeted by Washington for imprisonment,
torture, and most likely death.

To comprehend
the USA’s rapid descent into police state tyranny, compare Daniel
Ellsberg’s leak of the Pentagon Papers to Assange’s publication
of US documents leaked to him by a third party. Unlike Ellsberg,
Assange himself did not leak the documents. WikiLeaks is in the
role of the New York Times, which published the leak from
Ellsberg. Neither Ellsberg nor the New York Times were indicted
or prosecuted although they were threatened. Yet, Assange, who is
in the secondary role as the publisher, not the leaker, faces indefinite
detention and torture if Washington can get its hands on him through
the corrupt Swedish prosecutor who has “reopened” without evidence
the closed Swedish case against Assange.

When you think
about how distant Americans are from the events overwhelming them,
light years really, it is very difficult to see any hope. Americans
are simply not up to the challenge. Americans are mentally and emotionally
too weak, and their ignorance is vast, a totally uninformed people.
They have no idea of what is happening to them and to the rest of
the world as a result of “their” government’s immorality and
evil and incessant lies.

Several years
ago I had a telephone call from a professor and former dean of a
university in Boston. He said that he had been in Washington, D.
C., the previous week and had had lunch with some of my former colleagues.
He said that when he asked about me, the response was, “poor Craig,
if he hadn’t turned critic, he would be worth tens of millions of
dollars like us.” Upon hearing this, my acquaintance said that he
stood up and announced that he did not realize he was having lunch
with a bunch of whores and departed the lunch.

my acquaintance did not need anything from my still-well-connected
former colleagues. I replied to him that I was pleased that my former
colleagues agreed that my integrity was worth more to me than tens
of millions of dollars.

telephone call confirmed my prior decision to leave Washington and
confirmed my conclusion that everyone there was bought and paid
for by some interest group. A more corrupt place has never existed
on earth. The stench of Washington’s corruption and evil even wafts
down far into the South, although few of the Republican lemmings
can smell it.

That is our
government today. It belongs to those who purchase it, courtesy
of the Republican US Supreme Court, not to those voters whom the
government allegedly represents.

The baldfaced
truth is that in America the people have no rights and no representation.
The American people are a nonentity. Far from being indispensable,
they are totally dispensable, just like the thousands of Arab women
and children whose murders are dismissed as “collateral damage”
in the hoax war on terror. Washington has taken a page from Mao,
“democracy issues forth from the barrel of a gun.”

11, 2012

Craig Roberts, a
former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate
editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases
of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book,

Tyranny of Good Intentions
co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how
americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random
House. Visit his website.

© 2012 Paul
Craig Roberts

Best of Paul Craig Roberts