It May Be More Than Just a Fender Bender

Eric Peters

If someone
bumps your car from behind, be advised – it might be more than
just a fender bender. It could be the prelude to something much

there has been an uptick in robberies – and car jackings –
that begin as innocent-seeming minor accidents. A car bumps into
you, you stop, get out to see what happened – and become a
victim of more than just someone elseÂ’s poor driving. See here
for a recent example.

What to do?

Most of all,
pay attention to your gut. If something feels wrong, it may
in fact be wrong.

Usually, these
things start out as very light “love taps” – just
enough to get your attention – and get you to stop/get out
of your car. A significant impact is usually just an accident. Thugs
want to steal your car, not wreck your car.

These scenarios
also donÂ’t usually happen in broad daylight, in the middle
of the day, with lots of other cars – and potential witnesses
– around. If you get bumped in stop-and-go traffic, it’s
probably just what it looks like – another driver who wasn’t
paying attention. Probably, it’s ok – except for the hassle
and damage to your vehicle.

But if you
are out late at night, and the only car on the road – and you
find someone tailgating you – who won’t pass, even when
you wave them by – be on guard. Especially if the other car
contains a group of younger men.

If, in such
a situation, the other driver taps your car with his, it might be
a good idea to keep on driving – with your blinkers on, at
a reduced speed, thereby clearly conveying your intention to stopÂ…
eventually. When it is safe. Call 911. Tell the operator
the situation. Explain that you are driving to the nearest police
station – or at least, wll-lighted, well-traveled public space
– and that you will stop there and wait for the police.

If the other
driver is not up to something fishy, heÂ’ll probably just follow
you – and you can let the cops sort it out. But if the other
driver is up to something, heÂ’ll probably do one of two things:
He’ll either cut bait and leave – or he’ll get really
aggressive – and possibly try to cut you off or run you off
the road. If the other driver gets aggressive, call the police –
and do not stop/pull over under any circumstances. DonÂ’t
let the other car get in front of you, if possible. Because if he
does, heÂ’ll have an easier time of forcing you to stop. Try
not to let him get beside you, either – so he can’t run
you off the road. Drive as quickly as you feel you can and still
maintain control of the car – flashing your lights and honking
your horn all the way. Make a scene. Attract attention. If a thug
is on your tail, this is the last thing he will want. Get to a populated
– and lighted – area. If the guy’s a creep, he’s
going to split as soon as you get there.

the rest of the article

3, 2012

Eric Peters
[send him mail] is an automotive
columnist and author of
Atrocities and Road Hogs
(2011). Visit his

© 2012 Eric Peters

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