How To Cure Diabetes

Gastric Bypass Surgery Cures Diabetes

Bill Sardi

by Bill Sardi: History
Re-Write: Cancer Cure Announced in 2008 Has Resulted in Near Eradication
of the Disease

a report published in The New England Journal of Medicine
indicates a significant number of obese
patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery are free of diabetes
a year following their operation

Another recent
study reveals gastric bypass surgery surprisingly prolongs remission
from diabetes. Better than 4
of 10 patients undergoing gastric bypass had no need for anti-diabetic
and exhibited improved blood sugar control numbers
(hemoglobin A1c under 5.7% and fasting blood sugar under 100 milligrams
per deciliter of blood) over a year after surgery.

An article
posted at asks
: “Is diabetes a surgically modifiable
disease?” The unequivocal answer is yes! However, physicians
are perplexed as to the mechanisms behind this phenomenon. It has
remained unexplained, till now.

It turns out
that gastric bypass surgery involves blood loss. Anemia is common
following the operation. One
study shows
that hemoglobin (an iron transport protein) decreased
from an average of 13.4 to 12.8 grams per deciliter of blood and
ferritin (an iron storage protein) dropped from an average of 87.5
to 55.4 nanograms per milliliter of blood following gastric bypass

It was Dr.
Francesco Facchini, then working at University of California San
Francisco General Hospital, who
first reported in 2002
that depletion of iron stores via blood
letting among diabetic patients, to the point of near anemia (ferritin
level 20.0), dramatically improves elevated insulin and blood sugar

In the bizarre
healthcare world, where the most expensive therapies become the
most employed, where pools of healthcare insurance dollars are being
depleted rapidly, and where modern medicine is about to price itself
out of existence, it would not be surprising to see gluttonous obese
patients opt for insurance-paid gastric bypass surgery over having
to adhere to low-iron diets and undergo blood letting sessions over
a period of 12-24 months to reduce iron levels. The average
cost for the gastric bypass procedure ranges from $18,000 to $35,000
That’s quite an expensive fix, even though it produces some prolonged
weight loss and resolution of diabetes.

One might ask,
how did Americans go from being lean to obese beginning in the early
1980s? Whatever is the cause of the diabesity epidemic, it has to
something that changed in the entire population as a whole. It appears
the American populace lost ability to control portion sizes of food
in lock step. I talk about this at length in my book DOWNSIZING
YOUR BODY: How the Industrial Food Complex Breeds Fat Americans
Iron fortified foods, particularly breakfast cereals, are to blame
for the diabesity epidemic. A low-iron diet (limited red meat in
particular) combined with judicious use of a novel dietary supplement
rice bran extract
) is proposed as a home remedy for adult weight

Marion Nestle,
noted dietician, says unless
Big Food and Big Government change course
, there will be no
resolution to the ongoing diabesity epidemic that grips America.
Snack foods designed to be eaten to the bottom of the bag are prominent
on store shelves. Over-eating is the objective of the food companies.
The diabesity epidemic did not originate with a giant collective
loss of portion control but rather changes in the food chain (cheaper,
more processed, less nutritious foods in large portions), says Nestle.
Wouldn’t you know it – big government is behind this whole mess.
And America is exporting its foods overseas and spreading the diabesity
epidemic around the globe.

      26, 2012

      him mail] is a frequent writer on health and political
      topics. His health writings can be found at
      latest book is
      Your Body

      © 2012 Bill Sardi Word of Knowledge Agency, San Dimas, California.
      This article has been written exclusively for
      and other parties who wish to refer to it should link rather than
      post at other URLs. 

      Best of Bill Sardi