‘Strap On Your AKs… Let’s Start a Riot’



by Mac Slavo:
Survival Mom Teaches You How To Prepare More, Panic Less

Flashback to
August 16, 2011, when we published a White House Insider report
detailing the possibility that the Obama administration would incite
race riots in the build up to the 2012 Presidential election:

Via The
Ulsterman Report

Yes. It’s in place and underway – being developed.
Further developed. It’s gonna – gonna tie it in with
the unions somehow.
I don’t know exaclty how – just
thatÂ’s included in it. It will be an all out campaign on
race. The goal is to completely mobilize the Black vote while
shaming an even greater number of white voters into not opposing
a second Obama term. They are gonna get out the guilt vote man.
The guilt vote!

Obama…Democrats in general, already get the Black vote –
most of it.

They want all of it. Every last one. Then bring in the Hispanic
vote, tie them up in this race issue as well. Republicans want
to toss you out. Obama wants to bring you in. They hate the color
of ObamaÂ’s skin just like they hate the color of yours. Hey
White America, you arenÂ’t part of that group who hates non-whites
are you?
If not, you better get out and vote for Barack Obama.

That sounds overly simplistic and insulting to voters. You really
think something like that would actually work?

Hell yes-yesÂ… it can work. ItÂ’s not gonna come so easy
as it did in 2008, but thatÂ’s why they plan to ramp it up
– the race issue.

In that report
we noted the distinct possibility that the Obama
Team would Incite Race Riots and attempt to Use White Guilt in 2012

A politician,
especially at the highest levels, will stop at nothing to maintain
their power. President Obama is no different, and considering
that mouthpieces in his administration have repeatedly referred
to unsupportive segments of the electorate as terrorists and racists,
is it any wonder they are considering this strategy?

anyone expect the President to successfully run on the economy,
health care, tax cuts, or budget reductions?

It seems
to us that his options are quite limited.

This means
that we can soon expect agents provocateurs to embed themselves
into Republican and Democrat Party rallies and campaign events.
There will be no shortage of media coverage, and we can fully
expect a progressively-leaning media to inflame and incite such
(remember the spitting
on the steps of Capitol Hill?).

The argument
that the next round of riots coming to America will be organized
by our very own elected officials using pretexts such as race
and class warfare is quite compelling considering the circumstances.

It appears
that the Trayvon Martin incident, while tragic for all the families
involved, may very well be a boon for the Obama administration and
just the incident they were waiting for.

Before any
investigation had taken place, and only rumors and haphazard incomplete
reports were available, the media was already spinning the story
of the white Hispanic and the African American teenager. Whether
Zimmerman is guilty or not, whether Trayvon Martin initiated the
assault or not, is of no consequence now. The narrative has taken
on a life of itÂ’s own, and the sole purpose is to divide
and conquer the American people through Weapons of Mass Distraction
furthering the cause of the absolute police state.

The President
himself stepped in to the conflict, suggesting that if he had a
son, he would look like Trayvon. Congressman Bobby Rush wore
a hooded sweatshirt on the floor of the House of Representatives

in protest, as did Miami
Heat basketball players
. What exactly it is that theyÂ’re
protesting, weÂ’re not sure.

What we are
confident of, however, is that this incident has gone viral, and
it is sure to spiral further out of control, potentially making
the Rodney King riots of the 1990?s pale in comparison – especially
if Zimmerman is not charged with a crime.

This is big,
and the administration, Congressional members, and the media seem
to be supportive of, or are at the very least complicit in, fomenting
anger among not just African Americans, but whites and Latinos as
well. Of course, the Obama administration will overtly call for
calm and understanding, but one must wonder whatÂ’s happening
behind closed doors at the White House. Is this yet another crisis
that offers an opportunity for an enterprising Presidential candidate,
as the White House Insider suggested would happen back in August
of 2011? We certainly canÂ’t let a good crisis go to waste,
now can we?

ItÂ’s no
longer about George Zimmerman or justice for Trayvon. This is turning
into a full-blown racial conflict. ItÂ’s becoming increasingly
likely that the end result may be full-scale riots in cities across
America. If organized effectively, it wonÂ’t take much to push
mass hysteria myrmidons all over the country to hit the streets.

Rapper Zoeja
has released a racially charged song calling for exactly that and
it features The New Black Panther Party, an organization that recently
offered a $10,000 bounty for the ‘capture’ of Zimmerman.
In the song, titled All Black In My Hoodie, the rapper “charges
the white man with being the greatest murderer on earth” and
makes a direct call for riots and violence against whites, urging
listeners to “strap on their AK’s” and “start
a riot”:

Burn the
house and everybody in it.
Drive around in my Chevy
All black in my hoodie
LetÂ’s start a riot

keep it real
Those crackers donÂ’t love us
If we donÂ’t do sh*t
at least that cracker
6 months later theyÂ’re gonna kill another brother

*Adult Language*

The Trayvon
Martin / George Zimmerman incident shows that America is a powder
keg just waiting to explode, and itÂ’s very possible that the
fuse has already been lit.

This means
widespread racial violence may very well be in our near future,
regardless of what color, culture or heritage you are.

The only advice
we can give is to stay as far away from the pandemonium as possible
if it develops in your local area. Be aware of your surroundings
and be prepared to act in self defense if necessary, because during
conflicts such as the one developing now you become a target for
no other reason than the color of your skin.

from SHTF Plan.

      31, 2012

      Slavo [send him mail] is a
      small business owner and independent investor.

      © 2012 Mac Slavo

      Best of Mac Slavo