Woman attacked at I-35 Baby Acapulco’s

AUSTIN (KXAN) – A woman working at the Baby Acapulco restaurant  on North Interstate 35 was attacked over the weekend after exiting her vehicle near the front door of the restaurant.

The woman was reaching for something from the passenger side of her car when she noticed a man approaching and gesturing for her keys, according to a police affidavit released Monday.

When she refused, the man, a man identified as Uju Egbuonye, 21, moved behind her and put her in a “bear hug” while trying to remove her keys, cell phone, purse, and work apron, the police document said.

Egbuonye then threw the woman to the ground near the front door of the restaurant. A co-worker spotted her struggling with the man and came out to help. The co-worker was able to pull Egbuonye’s arms away which allowed the woman to get up from the ground.

In the meantime, a woman driving north on I-35 spotted the struggle and cut across the concrete median to help.

Austin Police Officer J. Sneed saw the driver’s behavior and followed her to the restaurant where he was able to chase down Egbuonye and place him in custody.

Egbuonye has been charged with a second-degree felony for robbery by assault and remains in the Travis County jail with a $20,000 bond.