Perry targets Interior Dept. on radio

AUSTIN (KXAN) – For pundits, a seeming slip-up on a radio talk show Friday became another “oops” moment for Gov. Rick Perry.’s presidential campaign. When asked by Savannah, Georgia’s WTKS-AM which three departments he would cut if he is elected, he said something different than what voters have heard lately .

“Three right off the bat, you know, Commerce, Interior and Energy are three that you think,” Perry answered.

Normally, Perry has listed the Departments of Commerce, Education and Energy – not Interior. The program’s host eventually brought up the missing agency – Education.

“Gov. Perry, I would think getting rid of the Department of Education,” the host said. “They haven’t done a great job.”

“Citizens of South Carolina, your governor, your legislature, your school administrators and school boards, and parents and teachers know substantially better how to educate your children than some bureaucrat in Washington, D.C.,” Perry replied, eventually saying he would completely cut that department.

Perry later told a crowd at a campaign stop he would scale back Interior, but fell short of nixing it altogether.

“I talked about the Department of Interior this morning, an agency that we need to either consolidate or truly rework,” the governor said.

“[It] shouldn’t be surprising the governor is talking about another federal agency that needs to be looked at and cut,” said Mark Miner, Perry’s campaign spokesman.

During a GOP debate in Michigan in November, Perry spent nearly a minute trying to remember the third agency he would cut – the Department of Energy. Giving up, he said, “Oops,” which became quite possibly the most memorable gaffe this election season.