Neocons Want To Bomb LRC

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Wow. I always
knew the neocons hated LRC, but now I also know the extent of their
fear. From the NY Times on down (or is that on up?), they
all want to destroy this website. It’s been the 10-minute hate.
And, of course, for pro-war, pro-police state, pro-empire types
who exalt the “Noble Lie,” no fib is too fictional.

Why the hate?
It’s the rebuke of our massive traffic, up 19.7% in 2011 alone,
according to Google. It reaches into every corner of America and
the world. This was already the best-read libertarian site ever,
and now we’ve taken another giant step (as the Times goes
out of business). But the real reason for the fear and hate is our
Rothbardian, anarcho-capitalist ideas, and their demonstrated power
to change hearts and minds, no matter what fabrications the establishment
spreads. LRC is the powerful teacher of freedom, markets, peace,
and historical truth. So, of course, the poisoned arrows fly.

The advocates
of the State – these days, one variety of fascist or another – freak
out at LRC. They pull out the long knives. But donations
from our readers
are the best armor. With our gifts last year,
we were able to move our site to a freer country, with another foreign
backup, and to redo the content management system to make the site
more robust. We want to step up security, too, of course. But income
minus expenses for 2011 leaves us more than $45,000 in the hole.
If you want to see LRC thrive and grow, triumph over the enemy,
and spread the word even more effectively, a
donation would be a huge help.
Every dollar helps defeat the
neocon menace.

I won’t let
these fascists win. Or,
rather, with your help, we won’t.

3, 2012

H. Rockwell, Jr. [send him
mail], former editorial assistant to Ludwig von Mises and congressional
chief of staff to Ron Paul, is founder and chairman of the Mises
, executor for the estate of Murray N. Rothbard, and
editor of
See his

© 2012 by Permission to reprint in whole or in
part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

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