FEE Summer Seminar and Internship Applications Now Open

Applications for the Foundation for Economic Education‘s Summer Seminars are now open! This year is FEE’s 50th summer of seminars, with over 10,000 students served to date.

The Freedom University series in Atlanta, GA is designed to introduce college students to Austrian economics, history, and current events. The Advanced Austrian economics seminar will take place in Irvington, NY at FEE’s headquarters and two high school seminars will take place in Salt Lake City, UT. This year, a new seminar for FEE alumni, Communicating Liberty, will take place in Atlanta.

Click here for more information or to apply for a FEE Summer Seminar.

In addition, FEE is looking for passionate, dedicated, and talented college students to join their summer internship program. Each intern plays an important role in helping FEE pursue the mission of inspiring, educating, and connecting future leaders with the principles of a free society. By assisting the programs department in executing their seven summer seminars, FEE interns will have a hands-on role in challenging students from around the world to carefully consider free market ideas and the principles of  individual liberty.

Click here for more information or to apply for a FEE Internship.

The deadline to apply for both seminars and internships is March 1st, 2012.