Pflugerville ISD board approves new school boundaries, names

By Blake Rasmussen

Thursday, 15 December 2011

PFLUGERVILLE — The Pflugerville ISD board of trustees unanimously approved new elementary school boundaries for the 2012–13 school year in preparation for the opening of the newly dubbed Ruth Barron Elementary School.

The new boundaries will affect six elementary schools in addition to Barron Elementary, including:

  • Wieland Elementary School
  • Northwest Elementary School
  • Delco Primary School/Dessau Elementary School
  • Parmer Lane Elementary School
  • Copperfield Elementary School
  • River Oaks Elementary School

Parents will be notified of the boundary change in January. A full list of changes to the boundaries and how they will affect enrollment can be found here.

Board members were complimentary of the task force that drew the new boundaries and said the process was relatively smooth.

“This is the smoothest a boundary change has ever gone,” board member Carol Fletcher said.

The board also approved the name of the district’s next middle school, to be called Cele Middle School, after the neighborhood it serves.

Ruth Barron was a former Pflugerville teacher for more than 40 years, retiring in 1964. Pflugerville Mayor Pro Tem Victor Gonzales spoke on Barron’s behalf during the meeting and was also a former student of hers.

For more information on the boundary changes and the new schools, visit