On the Fast-Track to Obesity, Diabetes, and Prescription Drugs

Mark Sisson
Mark’s Daily Apple

by Mark Sisson:
To Interpret Cholesterol Test Results

Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal
Blueprint Real Life Story
from a MarkÂ’s Daily Apple reader.
If you have your own success story and would like to share it with
me and the MarkÂ’s Daily Apple community please contact me here.
IÂ’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they
keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

I was a typical
American kid that enjoyed summers, playing sports, riding bikes,
camping and exploring. My inner Grok ran rampant in the beginnings
of my life. As I got older, I began to fall into that same trap
many Americans fall into (T.V., video games, fast food and overall
sedentary life). I expressed my inner Grok less and less, down to
not at all. I became overweight, less confident, and started having
knee and lower back issues in my early to mid 20?s! I naturally
blamed this on genetics, and was on that fast track to a life of
obesity, blood pressure issues, diabetes and a dependency on a plethora
of medications.

I was in my
mid 20?s in a high demand corporate job that I did not like, and
had no time (or at least thought I had no time, but really just
made excuses) or desire for any physical activity. My diet consisted
of whatever I can eat on the go, eating out, or just take home.
Fast food, soda and other processed foods made up the bulk of my
diet. I approached 260 lbs and approximately 30% body fat. I rarely
did anything physical, and did not have any endurance the few times
I tried. I made excuses when hiking with my girlfriend, and often
became negative around the whole subject. My self confidence was
so low that I hated hiking or other physical activities, because
I did not have the energy or capability to do them. I began to develop
a “why bother” attitude. I blamed genetics and not my
own actions, because I have overweight parents and extended family.

There were
a few things that caused me to make a change. First, someone very
close to me was diagnosed and then passed away of cancer. It caused
me to look at things differently and notice that quality of life
seemed to be changing in America. I noticed more people were obese
and diagnosed with medical problems at earlier stages in life. I
looked in the mirror and realized I was headed down the same dead-end
road. I was tired of not having energy and not enjoying life like
I did when I was younger. I was only twenty-something, but felt
much older due to lack of energy and overall vigor. I began asking
myself, was I suppose to be like this at this stage in my life?
How did I get here? And most importantly, did I CHOOSE to be here?
I discovered answers I did not like, nor was proud of. I took the
easy road in the way I ate, lived, and being stationed in a lackluster,
sedentary career. I became determined to change everything, starting
with my health.

the rest of the article

December 23, 2011

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