Oblivion: The 51st State

Survival Mom

Every once
in a while IÂ’m asked what my friends and family
think of our focus on preparedness. My response is that I usually
donÂ’t talk about it with anybody. At first I did, wanting to
be helpful, but after a while, I grew tired of feeling defensive
about something that, to us, is just a rational thing to do. One
relative told me that God wouldnÂ’t bless and protect my family
because we werenÂ’t relying on Him. Others have looked at me
long and hard and then quickly changed the subject. A few have taken
my husband aside and asked, “Why is Lisa DOING this??”
It seems that the State of Oblivion is alive and well with an ever-growing

No one likes
a party pooper, but just because something has never happened, doesnÂ’t
mean it never will! The current state of our economy is a man-made
disaster affecting everyone, and few of us saw that coming. Threats
to our national security are popping up all over the place, and
I donÂ’t think anyone scoffs anymore at the idea of homegrown
terrorists. Although Oblivion might seem like a great place to reside,
itÂ’s about as safe as swimming in shark infested waters. Just
because you donÂ’t see them, doesnÂ’t mean they arenÂ’t

Maybe becoming
a “prepper” seems too fanatical for your comfort level,
and youÂ’re not sure you want to leave Oblivion completely.
Consider taking just three common sense baby steps, if you havenÂ’t
already. TheyÂ’re not radical or kooky, and anyone can do them.

the rest of the article

19, 2011

© 2011 The
Survival Mom