Antique roadshow coming to Cedar Park next week

Ever wonder how much your dad’s old vintage guitar in the attic
is worth? What about that pocket watch or heirloom ring that’s been
passed down from generation to generation?

Chances are, a traveling antiques roadshow coming to Cedar Park
next week will have the answers.

The Ohio Valley Refinery Roadshow is stopping in Cedar
Park from Dec. 19 to 23, and is hosting a free event looking for
all kinds of antique and collectibles that could potentially be in
the local community.

Roadshow collectors say they have set aside close to $300,000 to
use to pour back into the community through buying items at the

Roadshow officials say they see items ranging from vintage
jewelry, war items, sports memorabilia, pocket watches and

Recently at a show in Florida collectors purchased an electric
chair from the 1800s, and they say they are continually amazed by
the items they see every week at more than 150 shows.

The Ohio Valley Refinery will be at the La Quinta Inn and Suites
at 1010 East Whitestone in Cedar Park, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily
from Dec. 19 through 23.