San Diego Mayor Finishes Two-Week Training on Treating Women Like People

“They want horror stories, not good policy.”

Speaking of horror stories, I saw Elysium last

The whole world is dying, and the entire solution?

*Spoiler Alert*

Consists of granting all the illegal aliens citizenship, and
then giving them all the free healthcare they want.

No seriously. That fixes everything. Of course, it requires
enormous sacrifices from the hero, who really wants that to
happen–but that’s what some of us are just born to do. It’s our
heroic destiny.

The hero becomes the hero–because he starts thinking globally,
and because he wants friends. …and it makes him make huge
sacrifices for the rest of humanity.

It’s the progs who love horror stories. They love stories about
people dying for lack of healthcare– they love horror stories that
reenforce their worldview. If it wasn’t for government
overspending, America would be just like Somalia.

Why won’t you accept their horror stories as the truth, John,
you hateful bastard!