Violence in Charlottesville: Hate Speech Is Legal, Assault Is Not

I do not fly the Battle Flag, for the specific reason that I know that people like you would assume it was intended as a symbol of support for Calhounism, Fascism, Colonialism and Eugenism.

But that is what is symbolized, properly, by the Stars and Bars: a flag you have probably never seen, the true flag of the Confederacy in its politics, its ideology, its desire.

The Battle Flag is NOT the Stars and Bars, and though Marxist and Calhounist alike have corrupted it as a symbol of slavery, it was only ever flown on the battlefield; it represents not the polity, but rather the soldiers of the South; and it OUGHT to be nothing but a symbol of the genuine courage and skill of the Southern soldier and general, celebrating their achievements in combat, not the ideology that the combat was in defense of… And memorializing the 250,000 men that died, and the hundreds of thousands of widows and orphans left behind.

Does the fact that they died for an evil cause, mean their loss should be counted as nothing? Does it mean their descendants- like me- cannot take comfort in their valor and diligence, as solace, as a bright spot, when we brood upon the darkness that otherwise comprises our history?