Anthony Fisher Talks Trump Press Conferences as Performance Art on Kennedy, Tonight at 8p on FBN

that story is actually (tho probably unintended) a perfect microcosm of Trump’s entire rhetorical/psychological method – something people really don’t understand, but which is actually very simple

what he says is mostly meaningless, and he doesn’t mind saying and doing entirely contradictory things in the space of a few seconds.

Its not super-calculated, and its not sophisticated, its just a way of doing things that i think he simply takes for granted as “normal”, but which many other people are completely befuddled by.

Its actually how i think lots of people do business in NY. Its a language that mixes congenial bullshit with casual threats, pretend friendliness or pretend anger… but its all really just “throwing stuff out there” to see what sticks and what disarms your interlocutor.

“I’m telling you, the meatloaf is fabulous,” Trump said, as Christie told it.

So Christie ordered the meatloaf.

“It’s emasculating,” host Craig Carton joked in response. “Another man tells you what you eat and you eat it? Not acceptable. I don’t care who he is.”

I am surprised Christie felt that way, because if anyone understood goombah behavior, you’d think it would be a fat guy in Jersey.

If i were in his shoes, i would have interpreted it as “he wants me to try his favorite thing”; which is actually more like a compliment than a ‘command’.