Trump Stranded, Hillary Dancing, Bernie Courts Latinos: P.M. Links

Follow-up on Cruz: From the standpoint of a libertarian or a conservative, now that Paul’s out Cruz is at least the least-bad candidate.

I’m trying to think of an issue where Cruz is worse than the other guys. Maybe wanting to enforce the prohibition statutes to the letter instead of corruptly and selectively ignoring them. Of course, a rule-of-law stance ought to include enforcing the Rohrenbacher (sp?) Amendment.

And I suppose one *could* argue that Cruz is more war-monger-ish than, well, than Sanders (I assume it’s accepted that he won’t be worse than Obama and Hillary).

Though when ISIS kills Americans, that’s traditionally considered an act of war deserving some kind of reprisal.

Now, on the plus side, Cruz actually voted against funding Obamacare. Or as the media (and apparently Reason) put it – he CAUSED A GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN OMG!

Now, to me, if you’re against Obamacare you shouldn’t vote to appropriate money for it. If you vote to fund Obamacare that means you voted for Obamacare. I guess that’s just me.

And how Cruz gets blamed for the “fund Obamacare or I’ll veto the entire appropriation bill” thing is a mystery to me.

I mean, if you’re for Obamacare then you want Obama to fight to keep the funding. If you’re against Obamacare then you want Congress to fight to cut off the funding.

But we get the narrative that voting against an unpopular program = OMG anarchy.