Announcing SFL’s Fall 2015 Quarterly Report

MidYearMemoCropped.jpgFall 2015 has been Students For Liberty’s most active season in our entire history. SFL leaders hosted 59 conferences for 6,000+ students on five continents. However, the success is not just in the statistics, but our leaders’ individual stories.

In Brazil, Local Coordinator Kim Kataguiri is leading an ideological revolution of classical liberalism, drawing millions onto the streets. In Belgrade, SFL alumnus Matija Franklin has handed out hundreds of meals to refugees escaping political persecution. In Texas, Campus Coordinator Nicole Sanders is fighting for her free speech rights after her administration said she couldn’t display a sign supporting the Second Amendment.

These are just three among thousands of student activism stories from SFL leaders this fall. Read more in our first ever Quarterly Report as well as our plans for 2016.Â