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No Pill, No Problem:
The rise of the ‘Pullout’ generation

These women describe a deliberate transition from the pill
to the pullout. They buy organic kale and all-natural cleaning
products, and so can’t quite get down with taking synthetic
hormones every day. They are more driven by sexual pleasure — they
see orgasms as a right, not a privilege — and hate the feel of
condoms. They wouldn’t call themselves porn aficionados or
anything, but they don’t think it’s demeaning to have a man come on
them. They’re sick of supposedly egalitarian relationships in which
they bear the sole responsibility for staying baby-free. They’re
scared to stick an IUD up there, no matter how many rave reviews
the devices get. And despite the fact that non-hormonal
contraceptive options remain frustratingly limited, there are new
tools at their disposal: With period-tracker apps, charting your
menstrual cycle is no longer the domain of hippies and IVF
patients. They know when to make him put on a condom. Plus, they
can keep a packet of Plan B on hand at all times, ready and waiting
should anything go awry. So it makes a certain amount of sense
that, for these women, the pullout method is looking more like a
legitimate contraception option.

It’s a trap!