Watch Matt Welch Talk NSA Surveillance on The O’Reilly Factor Tonight at 8:20 pm

Matt tried, and had so much more to say, but there just wasn’t
enough time given.
Laura Ingram, guest-hosting for O’Reilly, did do a lot of the
critical pushback from the Democratic hack supporting the
Administration though, so it wasn’t so bad.
It is amazing the gall that any of these pundits, official or
otherwise, have in trying to defend a domestic spying system that
is Constitutionally flawed in the inception.
Apologizing that the violations of law were not intentional, or
that errors are acceptable if not malicious, are as simply not
acceptable as if they were intentional and malicious. It simply
should not happen, nor should the 5 steps into that spying that the
statutory law presumptively allows be any justification for it in
the first place.
It is mission creep, but intentional, and seeks to shift the
paradigm of what is ‘normal’ and acceptable from the fundamental
strictures of the Constitution.