A. Barton Hinkle on Politicians and Private Lives

Because politicians and political
candidates are often celebrities, their relations become
celebrities, too. Michelle Obama appears regularly on magazine
covers, for example, while Jenna Bush, daughter of President George
W., made headlines in 2001 when she was cited for underage alcohol
possession. In his latest column, A. Barton Hinkle examines the
double-standards at work when it comes to politicians and the
privacy of their families.

A. Barton Hinkle on Politicians and Private Lives

Because politicians and political
candidates are often celebrities, their relations become
celebrities, too. Michelle Obama appears regularly on magazine
covers, for example, while Jenna Bush, daughter of President George
W., made headlines in 2001 when she was cited for underage alcohol
possession. In his latest column, A. Barton Hinkle examines the
double-standards at work when it comes to politicians and the
privacy of their families.