Thousands show up to pay final respects

WACO, Texas (KXAN) – The line to get into Thursday’s memorial service honoring the West first responders stretched a couple of blocks hours before the service began.

“It is a privilege to be here to honor,” said Cathy Reynolds. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else today.”

Caskets for the 12 fallen firefighters were laid before the stage at the Ferrell Center and there were very few empty seats to be found once the service began.

Many of those seats were filled with uniformed officers.

But outside the arena, hundreds of more people were lined along the streets of the procession route.

“I’m a retired firefighter and I feel like I lost some brothers the other night,” said Mark Turner as he held a large Texas flag.

Turner’s flag was one of many being waved around as fire truck after fire truck from across the state filled the street leading to the Ferrell Center.

Much of the crowd showed up to the service to see President Barack Obama speak , but others believe the focus should remain on the ones being honored.

“The President is the President,” said one woman waiting along the procession route. “But we are here to show respect for the heroes who gave their life.”