Watch the #ISFLC13 Stossel Episode TONIGHT!

The 2013 International Students For Liberty Conference was an overwhelming success, with over 1400 total attendees, including students from every inhabited continent on the planet. It was truly an awe inspiring event that showcased the breadth and depth of the global student movement for liberty.

For the third year in a row we hosted a filming of The STOSSEL Show on Saturday night of the conference. This year’s recording was the best yet featuring guests such as Congressman Justin Amash, the Cato Institute’s David Boaz, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, Radley Balko, former Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Ann Coulter, and over 1000 passionate students for liberty.

The Liberty 101 episode of The STOSSEL Show will air TONIGHT, February 21, at 9:00pm Eastern Time on the Fox Business Network. Tune in to see the full strength of our movement on display.