Ed Crane Named Honorary Chairman of SFL Board of Advisors

Ed Crane, founder and President Emeritus of the Cato Institute

Washington, DC– As of this morning, January 28, 2013, Ed Crane became Honorary Chairman of Students For Liberty’s Board of Advisors.  Ed Crane is the founder and president emeritus of the Cato Institute. Under his leadership, the Cato Institute grew to become one of the nation’s most well-respected public policy research organizations. 

Crane has been a pioneer in framing the political debate as one not split between liberal and conservative, but rather between civil society (the voluntary sector) and political society (government power). He was at the forefront of promoting personal accounts in lieu of the current Social Security system, and was one of the first national leaders of the term limits movement. Crane is the coeditor of several books, serves on the Boards of U.S. Term Limits, the Center for Competitive Politics, and Americans for Limited Government and is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. He is a chartered financial analyst and former vice president at Alliance Capital Management Corp. Crane’s writing has been published in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the New York Times and Forbes.

On joining Students For Liberty’s Board of Advisers, Ed Crane had this to say: “Students For Liberty is one of the most impressive organizations I have seen come about in a long time, and is a leading force in spreading the ideas of liberty to young people.  I consider SFL to be critical to the future of liberty.”

Students For Liberty’s President, Alexander McCobin, had this to say: “Ed Crane has been one of the most important leaders in the libertarian movement since there was a definable libertarian movement.  It is difficult to imagine the state of liberty in the world today without him or the Cato Institute.  We are honored to have him join SFL to share his wisdom and experience with the next generation of leaders of liberty.”


Students For Liberty is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a unified, student-driven forum of support for students and student organizations dedicated to liberty.  Since its founding in 2008, SFL has grown to over 800 pro-liberty student groups representing tens of thousands of students, providing training, resources, and a network to introduce the ideas of liberty to today’s youth and prepare the next generation of leaders of liberty.  For more information, please visit www.studentsforliberty.org.
