Say Hello to the Old Boss

Jeff Berwick

The Dollar Vigilante

by Jeff Berwick:
Remember the Sixth of November

As I write
I am flying through the air at 600mph in a reclining chair on my
way to Santiago, Chile.  At the same time I am watching a documentary
on one of, if not the most, prolific advancers of human knowledge
and quality of life in history
, Nikola Tesla.

You may be
sitting there, thinking, it’s November 7th, why am I
not speaking about how 30% of 305 million people in the geographic
region known as the US gave their consent to a murderous, thieving
organization.  Or, at best, voted for the lesser evil in a
popularity contest of sociopathic criminals.  Here’s the deal. 
It doesn’t matter.  It’s a show.  To paraphrase rapper
Notorious B.I.G., If you didn’t know that, well now you know.

What’s more
important?  Much more important than any person in government? 
Men like Nikola Tesla.  Or Louis Pasteur.  Or Steve Jobs. 
Hell, any thousands of producers and contributors to your and my
life.  Have an iPad?  Have electricity?  Don’t die
when you scrape your foot on a sharp stone?  You owe your life
and the quality of it to true heroes.  Not to Mittens or Bronco.

Bronco O’Bomber
and Mittens Romney?  I can’t believe I even have to mention
these cretins.  It sickens and saddens me.

Let’s take
a short history lesson.  Something you’ll never hear discussed
in the public indoctrination camps.  150 years ago humans didn’t
even have light bulbs.  They didn’t have electricity. 
This brings me back to Tesla.  He, not Edison, produced most
of what we know about electricity, radio, x-rays, electric motors,
lasers, wireless communications and countless other things today.

People like
Bronco O’Bomber and Nancy Pelosi have never producted anything except
an advance of theft and kidnapping.  They are sad, twisted
individuals with no care for truth in history.  They just know
they get shoveled millions of Federal Reserve Notes for shilling
for the system and riding in their limousines, or the aptly named
“Beast” for Bronco.

if you ask the average American female young slave, who they would
like to emulate most, it is Killary Clinton.  If you ask the
average US male young slave, it’ll likely be Bronco O’Bomber. 
This is your hint to get out now (call TDV
for more).  If you live in the US, you live among
zombies.  You can’t defeat them.  You’d have better
luck trying to infiltrate the mafia and trying to turn it into a
children’s charity.  Not going to happen.

So, if you
voted yesterday… shame on you!  Plus, you did nothing to
change anything.  Your vote didn’t count.  And even if
it did, you just consented to being ruled.  How do you feel
about that?

I’m going to
actually pour my heart out a little here.  I’ve been writing
about this stuff for a few years.  I’ve had a lot of people
shake my hand and thank me for telling the truth.  I’ve also
been attacked, on a very regular basis.  It’s an interesting
dichotomy.  People call me all kinds of things but all I really
am is a human being.  I love peace and prosperity and the human
connection.  I don’t know why we’re here… if anyone does
and has conclusive proof, please notify me.  But, since we
are here we should listen to the words of Rodney King, may he rest
in peace.  To paraphrase, we have to stop hurting and stealing
from and killing each other.

While I don’t
know the existential answer to the “why?” of human existence,
I do know that peace and freedom are by far the preferable modes
to the “how?” of our existence. Violence and oppression
are not just awful in their own rite. They also tend to impoverish
humanity overall by killing initiative and material progress. A
system of property rights married to absolute freedom (as scary
as absolute freedom is to most of humanity still) is what produces
the most wealth…and wealth is just another word for increasing
material comfort.

But liberty
is equally vital to happiness. It is hard to be happy if you live
in constant fear of an abusive master…something that African slaves
in the Americas knew…as did Soviet Russians. It’s something
US citizens will come to realize a lot more clearly in the coming
months and years. (In fact, those who plan to ignore our heartfelt
advice and remain really should at least use our
other advice to prepare financially


I was quite
sad to waste an hour recently watching a “debate” between
a sound, morally correct individual, Doug Casey, and a snickering,
snorting caricature of what are now called “liberals”
and a seething mainstream presstitute named Krauthammer.

While Doug
Casey tried to get a word in edgewise to ask, “What are you
principles?  What do you believe in?”, the two government
lovers to the right snickered and snaked their way to talking about
the exact opposite.  They spent about thirty minutes debating
the most unimportant details of the electoral process.  I advise
you to not even waste your time watching.

But this is
the state of affairs in the US today.  Brainwashed people,
for the most part, debating nonsensical, unimportant details while
not one sheeple in the crowd boos.  To me, it’s long past time
to get out.  What Nikola Tesla came to – America –
no longer exists.  A man like Tesla today would likely go to
Singapore, or Hong Kong, or Santiago, Chile.  Things change,

The entire
modern human history is just a saga of people fleeing collectivism
and it still hasn’t changed.  The funny part is, however, much
of the world is catching on to this trap… people in the US haven’t. 
Watch what happens when they figure it out.

… oh, I just
landed and hear Bronco O’Bomber won the job of Chief Murderer. 

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with permission from The
Dollar Vigilante

November 8, 2012

Berwick [send him mail]
is an anarcho-capitalist freedom fighter and Chief Editor of the
libertarian, Austrian economics grounded newsletter, The
Dollar Vigilante
. The Dollar Vigilante focuses on strategies,
investments and expatriation opportunities to survive prosper
during and after the US dollar collapse.

© 2012 The
Dollar Vigilante

Best of Jeff Berwick