News of the Week, November 5th, 2012 Edition: Remember, Remember?

Recapping the interesting and significant news, articles, and media of the past few weeks…

If you’re like me, you watch V for Vendetta once a year because it’s awesome. Usually I do it on November the Fifth. “Remember, remember, the fifth of November…” Here’s my favorite clip:

Tomorrow, many Americans will go to the polls and vote for Tweedledee and Tweedledum. According to these folks, social media will play a major role in the election.

One of my favorite guys at the Cato Institute, Gene Healy, has a new “sequel” out to his great book The Cult of the Presidency. This sequel is all about Obama and is called False Idol. It’s so cheap on Kindle that you ought to get a copy just to support his work.

Really, why not instead elect a super-villain to be president?

Doug Newman asks, should Christians should ever vote for the lesser of two evils?

More this weekend…

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