Reason Writers Around Town: Shikha Dalmia on Republicans Falling in Obama’s Immigration Trap

Republicans are hopping mad over President Obama’s recent
executive order to hand temporary work permits instead of
deportation orders to undocumented aliens brought to this country
as children. “But the more they hop, the madder they’ll look,”
notes Shikha Dalmia in her morning column at The Daily,
“exactly Obama’s intention.” If Republicans want to close the
40-point lead that Obama has over Mitt Romney with Hispanic voters,
something that in Romney’s own words could spell “doom” for
Republicans in November, they’ll have to get past all their huffing
and puffing and do something constructive.

And they can begin by stop asking dumb economic questions like
the one posed by the obnoxious Daily Caller reporter when he
interrupted the president’s remarks.

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