A.M. Links: Bush Convicted, 49 Headless Bodies Found in Mexico, Yahoo CEO Out

A.M. Links: Bush Convicted, 49 Headless Bodies Found in Mexico, Yahoo CEO Out

  • him?George W. Bush, Dick
    Cheney and five others were
    of war crimes by a tribunal in Malaysia. The tribunal
    ruled victims of torture ought to receive reparations.
  • Trouble
    the House of Morgan. “We told you something that was
    completely wrong a mere four weeks ago,” Jamie Dimon told Meet the
    Press this weekend.
  • The headless bodies of 43 men and 6 women were
    along a highway outside San Juan, Mexico, in the border
    region. Drug cartels are suspected.
  • Yahoo’s CEO is
    after lying about a computer science degree. He’s Yahoo’s
    third CEO in three years to depart.
  • Lawyers for a former day laborer scheduled to be
    in Texas this week argue the man is not mentally
    competent. They say he has been seen lying on the floor of his jail
    cell covered in urine. Judges have ordered him to be medicated by
    force if necessary so that he’s legally competent to be
  • A former Newark police officer was
    of conspiracy for trying to rob drug dealers, but may
    avoid prison time altogether since he took less than $200.

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