Blind skydivers take leap of faith

SAN MARCOS, Texas (KXAN) – Sunday was a thrill of a lifetime for 20 students from the School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

The high school students, both blind and visually impaired, jumped for a plane in San Marcos early Sunday morning. Skydiving would be a leap of faith for anyone, but imagine the task being blind.

Juan Garcia was born without sight, so conquering his fears is a daily task. Today, skydiving in on his list.

“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time,” Garcia said. “So I am ready.”

Garcia and his classmates are taking what some might call a blind leap of faith from 10,000 feet over Central Texas. But they conquer their fears, and their tasks, daily at their school.

At the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, a state-run program, students learning everything from academics to life skills. It’s a way for those who are blind to conquer their daily challenges. They learn how to cook, clean and complete tasks that most people take for granted.

Jumping from a plane is just one more task. For these students, the sky is the limit.

“I didn’t even mind the ground being there,” Garcia said. “Sometimes the best thing to do to get over your fear is to not think about it. I don’t think about it. I just do it.”