Unions Threaten to Derail the Super Bowl After Indiana Becomes the 23rd Right-to-Work State

Indiana became the 23rd right-to-work state this
afternoon after its Senate voted 28-22 to approve a bill to that
effect  and Governor Mitch Daniels signed it post haste. This
means that Big Labor will no longer be able to extract mandatory
dues from workers and channel them (dues, not workers) to elect
compliant Democrats.

Union activists are livid and chanted “shame, shame” outside as
the Senate voted. They are threatening to stop the Super Bowl in
Indianapolis on Sunday in protest.

They claim that the law is pure union-busting vindictiveness on
the part of the GOP. Senate Minority Leader Vi Simpson, a Democrat,

the notion that many employers would be attracted to
Indiana because of the law a myth. “Right-to work is a race to the
bottom, it’s a downward spiral to lower wages and fewer benefits,”
Simpson said.

He may be right or he may be wrong (actually, he’s wrong,
have shown)
but one thing is for certain: Unions won’t win friends and
influence Americans by ruining the Super Bowl. Thanksgiving, may
be. Christmas, perhaps. Super Bowl, hands off.

Having failed in their goal line stand, wouldn’t it be plain
un-American to send fans to the field to stop the game?

(Watch this space tomorrow for an analysis by yours truly on
where the right-to-work movement is headed next.)