Veterans to march on White House for Ron Paul

From the facebook event page:

Public Event · By Nathan Cox and Adam Kokesh

We, the founders of Veterans for Ron Paul 2012, Nathan Cox and Adam Kokesh, propose a Veterans and Active Duty March for Ron Paul on President’s Day, Monday, February 20th, giving us enough time to plan and promote, and in plenty of time for an impact on Super Tuesday, March 6th. We will apply for a proper permit from the Parks Department and coordinate with appropriate authorities to gather in the vicinity (at the base if possible) of the Washington Monument, have a brief chance for veterans to speak, nothing special, possibly even as little as a soapbox and a bullhorn, but we’ll see.

Then, at 1pm, line up in formation on 15th St NW facing North towards Constitution Ave NW, march in formation to the White House, about face, then “present arms” (hold a hand salute) to a folded flag for as many seconds as service members have died since Obama took office, then march silently back to the Washington monument and fall out.

Visit the facebook event page for more information and to indicate your participation.

Hat tip:

More information from Adam Kokesh:

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
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