Sen. Rand Paul returns a record $500,000 of his office budget to the United States Treasury!

How’s that for fiscal conservatism? At a press conference in Louisville Thursday, the freshman Senator from Kentucky– one of the most visible of 2010′s “Tea Party candidates” on the national stage– announced that he would be returning a whopping $500,000 of his U.S. Senate office’s operating budget to the U.S. Treasury.

The announcement comes as the nation struggles with massive fiscal crises on a local, state, and federal level, with federal spending and even federal deficits not only measuring in the trillions, but growing by the trillions with no end in sight. Make no mistake, every other “major” issue or controversy in politics today is ancillary to the problem of unsustainable (to the point of collective insanity) borrowing and spending by governments, companies, and individuals the world over.

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
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