Ron Paul’s New Hampshire Campaign Chairman Talks to Reason About Granite State Libertarians

DURHAM, NH – In 2008 Jim
briefly ran for US Congress as a Ron Paul Republican
before deciding it was not for him and returned to the aerospace
industry. His aversion to running for elected office did not last
long. In 2010 he ran for a seat in the New Hampshire State Senate
and won making him one of several Ron Paul Republicans in the New
Hampshire legislature. Due to personal reasons Forsythe has said
that he
will not seek reelection
to his senate seat in 2012.  

Forsythe, now Paul’s
New Hampshire Campaign Chairman
, joined the Texas Republican on
stage here for his town hall. He took time out for an on camera
interview that touched on topics ranging from Paul’s chances in New
Hampshire to how and why the Granite State is a libertarian