Rick Santorum: The 10th Amendment Does Not Mean What It Says

Tulpa|10.24.11 @ 3:00PM|#

Call me crazy, but I can see Santorum becoming a force in the
coming months.

At this point in 2007 no one thought Huckabee had a chance.

robc|10.24.11 @ 3:03PM|#


Brother Mullet|10.24.11 @ 3:05PM|#

If Santorum wins the nomination, I am building a compound.

Lost_in_translation|10.24.11 @ 3:06PM|#

You’re crazy. So is bible study leader santorum

kinnath|10.24.11 @ 3:08PM|#

Santorum is trying and failing to be the next Huckabee.

Romney could win Iowa, but only because there is no one playing the
role of Huckabee this year. So the SoCons could split over several
candidates (Bachman, Santorum, Perry, and Cain are all chasing the
same voters).

robc|10.24.11 @ 3:10PM|#

Didnt some big SoCon convention just endorse Paul?

kinnath|10.24.11 @ 3:15PM|#

I’m not aware, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Ron may speak to
individual freedom (getting the government out of private life),
but he clearly lives a SoCon life. I think this actually makes for
a powerful story when a boring old fuddy duddy baby doctor says
that government shouldn’t care if someone smokes dope.

Tulpa|10.24.11 @ 3:32PM|#

That was a straw poll thingy which the RP groupies always tend to

kinnath|10.24.11 @ 3:43PM|#

Right, now I remember. Still, he dominated a poll targeted at
SoCons. So far, his crazy libertarian beliefs aren’t hurting him
with the SoCons.

In Iowa, he will pull a huge portion of the shrink-the-government
(aka Tea Party) voters and a solid share of the SoCons.

Romney will get most of the crony-capitalist, big-money Republican
voters (who are dwarfed by the SoCons who are very active in the

Cain is a real wild card. He thrilled a summer fund raiser I
attended last summer. He seems to appeal well across the spectrum
in the party activists.

Perry and Bachmann appear to be dying as we creep towards the
caucuses. Santorum will get a chunk of the SoCons, and nothing

I actually expect Paul or Cain to win before I would Romney to
carry the caucuses.

Pro Libertate|10.24.11 @ 3:10PM|#

You’re crazy. Santorum is a non-entity on the national scale.
Besides, he has the Yummy Tears Thread, which will kill him when it
goes public.