Could You Win the National Geography Bee?


age 3, Rahul Nagvekar couldn’t put down a globe. This week he turned
14, and his obsession has paid off. The son of immigrants from India,
Rahul emerged from an original field of four million students (from
the 4th to the 8th grades) to win a $25,000 college scholarship
and an all-expenses-paid trip to the Galapagos Islands. Last Thursday
morning, this eighth-grader from Quail Valley Middle School near
Houston won the victory with a tense fourth-round tiebreaker at
National Geographic Bee in Washington, D.C.



list of the contestants who competed in the final round are:

Raghav Ranga,
Varun Mahadevan, California
Anthony Stoner, Louisiana
Adam Rusak, Maryland
Karthik Karnik, Massachusetts
Gopi Ramanathan, Minnesota
Neelam Sandhu, New Hampshire
Rahul Nagvekar, (Missouri City) Texas (Winner)
Cheng, Utah
Vansh Jain, Wisconsin

open at YouTube

30, 2012