Just One Massive Prison Camp

Jeff Berwick

The Dollar Vigilante

by Jeff Berwick: Defending
the Last Free Place on Earth

The US is fast
becoming one massive open air prison camp. Few realize that one
by one their natural rights are being stripped by the fascist “criminal”
law system. As
we’ve noted in the past
, more than 30% of those under 23 have
been arrested as the fascist US Government works to ensnare as many
as possible into permanent indentured servitude through a criminal
record. From the New

Over all,
there are now more people under “correctional supervision”
in America – more than six million – than were in the
Gulag Archipelago under Stalin at its height. That city of the
confined and the controlled, Lockuptown, is now the second largest
in the United States.

Once you have
that special status the doors quickly close for you, and you will
never be able to legally escape from the US. Your travel will be
restricted and you will not be eligible to apply for a foreign passport.

Seemingly not
content with having the largest prison population in the world,
the US leviathan continues to expand its web to ensnare more into
“the system”.


Original Drawing
of a Panopticon Prison

In the late
eighteenth century. English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy
came up with the concept of the panopticon. The purpose
of the design is to allow the observation of (-opticon)
all (pan-) inmates of an institution without them being
able to tell whether or not they are being watched.

Although Bentham
considered the use of such a structure for all manner of institutions,
prisons were the first place where the concept was implemented.

The corporatist
state is doing its best to create the ultimate Panopticon within
the borders of the US. We noted one recent development with the
deployment of the “Peacemaker” to the streets of Ft. Lauderdale,

The “Peacemaker”

You can find
out all you need to know about the “Peacemaker”

The costumed
enforcer sums it up with one line: “the bad guys know –
hey we’re watching you”. Forgoing for the moment the question
of who really is the bad guys here (hint: the government and police),
he fails to mention that the “peacemaker” isn’t just watching
“the bad guys”. It is watching everyone
who happens to pass by its hulking form.

Sadly people
have been brainwashed since birth into thinking that the State is
good and it protects them, and that without the State the world
would be very dangerous. This in turn causes them support these
continued attacks on their own liberties. Ayn Rand termed this the
of the victim”

One of the
brainwashed in the video thinks that those who complain about the
Orwellian vehicle should be paid special attention. I would suggest
to the slave that he takes it one step further – if he has
nothing to hide, why not place a set of cameras within his own home?
Hey, he is already funding them with his tax dollars, why bother
using a private security firm? You think that sounds unreasonable?
Well guess what – the Brits have already put that into practice.

From Wired
in 2009

million ($668 million) will be spent on installing and monitoring
CCTV cameras in the homes of private citizens. Why? To make sure
the kids are doing their homework, going to bed early and eating
their vegetables. The scheme has, astonishingly, already been
running in 2,000 family homes. The government’s “children’s
secretary” Ed Balls is behind the plan, which is aimed at
problem, antisocial families. The idea is that, if a child has
a more stable home life, he or she will be less likely to stray
into crime and drugs.

It gets worse.
The government is also maintaining a private army, incredibly not called
“Thought Police”, which will “be sent round to
carry out home checks,” according to the Sunday Express.
And in a scheme which firmly cements the nation’s reputation as
a “nanny state”, the kids and their families will be
forced to sign “behavior contracts” which will “set
out parents’ duties to ensure children behave and do their homework.

All “for
the children” you see.


Now you might
say that the “Peacemaker” isn’t quite the definition of
the surveillance state – I mean you can see the thing! But
don’t worry, your overlords have been working quietly to ensure
they cover every square foot of their empire.

All for your
own good.

Janet Napolitano,
director of the Department of Homeland Security now
appears in every Walmart in the country
, hoping to enlist the
good consumers in the fight against “threats”. Every eye
of every citizen is a potential tool of the “Homeland”.
Of course, the ones who should really be watched are the watchers.


the tools of the global war on terror have now been turned into
tools of oppression for the jack booted thugs in the USSA. The Predator
Drone, a mainstay of the CIA’s assassination campaigns is now being
utilized for “interior law enforcement support”

General Atomics
MQ-1 Predator

police say they have used two unarmed Predators based at Grand
Forks Air Force Base to fly at least two dozen surveillance flights
since June. The FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration have used
Predators for other domestic investigations, officials said.

don’t use [drones] on every call out,” said Bill Macki, head of
the police SWAT team in Grand Forks. “If we have something in
town like an apartment complex, we don’t call them.”

drones belong to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which operates
eight Predators on the country’s northern and southwestern borders
to search for illegal immigrants and smugglers. The previously
unreported use of its drones to assist local, state and federal
law enforcement has occurred without any public acknowledgment
or debate. Link

Equipped with
“high-resolution cameras, heat sensors and sophisticated radar”,
these machines are just the thing needed to ensure the tax slaves
are KEPT IN.

while you are kept as a blood bag for the vampire state, you will
have to deal with an ever-increasing network of internal travel
controls. Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) teams
are expanding across the USA, targeting bus terminals, rail stations,
and highway travel. “Border” police are also getting into
the act, setting up shop miles from the actual borders of the USSA.


letter from one TDV reader, Warren W., confirms the dire reality
of the situation, he writes:

Just back
from driving I10 from Fla. to AZ. At about 100 miles either side
of El Paso, US Customs “Border Patrol” (in quotes because
they aren’t at the border where they could do some real patrolling)
have set up permanent shop on I10.

The eastbound
roadblock is east of El Paso and the westbound one is west of
El Paso. They are huge, drive-through type buildings straddling
the interstate, kind of like what California used to have for
checking to see if we had any fruit. The buildings have offices

When I passed
the eastbound roadblock, the westbound lanes I was in were lined
with a gauntlet of at least a dozen cameras we had to drive past.
I don’t think it paranoid to imagine facial recognition and license
plate scanning was occurring.

After seeing
that, I was quite sure there would be a roadblock for westbound
travelers but had no idea where it would be. It turned out to
be in New Mexico.

“my” roadblock, I told myself that, although it would ruin my
day and involve risk of tasering, beating and/or incineration,
I would have to insist on a search warrant if my car was singled
out for a search. And what a search it would be – $2,500
cash, a Ruger LCP in my back pocket, a Glock in the glove box,
and Ron Paul stickers on front and rear bumpers. Can you say Profile?

As it turned
out, there was only one guy at “my” roadblock telling each vehicle’s
operator to keep going. So I wasn’t searched. But on the way in
the building I was filmed again by a similar camera gauntlet
that I had previously experienced.

There were
probably half a dozen “Border Patrol” SUVs parked at the office
which meant that the other tax eaters, instead of opening up new
lanes so we did not have to waste time in a single file lane,
were enjoying the comfort of their office instead.

As a side
note, every car I saw pulled over by state troopers on I10 in
New Mexico (about 3) had the trooper ransacking the trunk.

dream of the Panopticon is close to becoming a reality. It is time
for you to consider your options and consider getting your gold
and yourself out of dodge.


  1. Make plans
    to get out of countries like the US and the UK as soon as possible
    before they trap you into an arrest which will limit your travel
    movements severely.
  2. Apply for
    a foreign passport (the
    best we know of is in the Dominican Republic
  3. Once you
    have a foreign passport, consider renouncing your US/UK or other
    western police state passport. Wait lists to renounce US passports
    have recently increased from 6 months to over 2 years as a flood
    of US citizens look to get out while they still can.
  4. Get your
    assets outside of the control of your own government. Transport
    and store your gold and silver around the world (TDV will be releasing
    a full Special Report called “Getting Your Gold Out of Dodge”
    in the next month with lots of information on how to do this).

are plenty of countries where the Government is not a giant all-seeing
machine but is more of a nuisance. Some people state that
they’d rather live inside the police state of the US than in some
“corrupt” foreign country. That is your choice.
But we’d rather give some policeman 200 pesos and get on with our
day than to live inside the panopticon in the US and become ensnared
into the criminal caste system in the US where escape is nearly

with permission from The
Dollar Vigilante

2, 2012

Berwick [send him mail]
is an anarcho-capitalist freedom fighter and Chief Editor of the
libertarian, Austrian economics grounded newsletter, The
Dollar Vigilante
. The Dollar Vigilante focuses on strategies,
investments and expatriation opportunities to survive prosper
during and after the US dollar collapse.

© 2012 The
Dollar Vigilante

Best of Jeff Berwick